Learning & development, a subset of HR. aims to improve group and individual performance by increasing and honing skills and knowledge. Learning and development, often called training and development, forms part of an organisation’s overall vision and goals.
On a practical level, individuals responsible for learning & development must identify skills gaps among groups and teams (often through SMART objectives, on-to-one interviews and performance appraisals) and then finding suitable training to fill these gaps.
Procurement is an important part of the training and development process because training providers must be cost-effective ad appropriate for the organisation’s needs. Good training provides individuals with tools and skills and shows them how to apply these new tools and skills within their own organization and role.
Innovation is the buzzword that keeps us moving and each day begins with a fresh drive to excel. At HomeCreations, we strongly believe in team effort and that’s the foundation of our paramount success. Be it any job opening that we cater to, acquiring skills is not rocket science. We make sure the people whom we employ have an edge above the rest. With requisite training, we give them the confidence and trigger the momentum of growth.
Whether it’s R&D, marketing, sales, administrative or creative front, HomeCreations is all about perfection. But we strongly believe nothing is possible with an individual’s effort, it is always a group responsibility and a team succeeds together! Our endeavors are aimed at keeping our customers happy and providing them with the best! If you believe in our ideology, feel worthy of joining us, and lead forward together, please feel free to contact us!